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This section allows you to find current developments in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.
READ MOREThe Business Council Covid-19 Emergency Taskforce (BCCET) was created to bring together leaders from the private business sector of Zambia and coordinate efforts to mitigate the financial, economic and social effects of Covid-19.
After witnessing the devastating consequences of the disease around the world. The BCCET believes it is our corporate social responsibility to stand united against the devastating tide of Covid-19 and engage to protect Zambian lives, businesses and households.
The Business Council ‘COVID19’ Emergency Taskforce (BCCET) is a group of Business Sector Interest Groups that are driving initiatives to try and minimise the impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Zambia by: assisting the Government with economic proposals; sourcing funding for essential medical items; a media campaign to increase sanitary awareness throughout the country; and provide food and sustenance for the vulnerable members of the local community.
Our aim is to help businesses and households navigate through economic distress in the wake of the COVID pandemic and post-pandemic period to safeguard the employment of its citizens. Our responsibilities as a committee are: to seek donations; materials; provide technical expertise; and facilitate donations in kind that will assist our fight against Covid-19.
We stand as one in our ability to engage and forge a united front to try and protect Zambian lives, businesses and households from the impacts of the COV-19 Pandemic.
This section allows you to find current developments in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.
READ MOREAccountants Park, Plot No. 2374/a,
Thabo Mbeki Road, Lusaka.