Accountants Park
Plot No. 2374/a
Thabo Mbeki Road, Lusaka
(+260) 211 374 551-9

Research & Thought Leadership

This area is the think tank of the Institute responsible for the coordination and conduct of research into Accountancy and related disciplines with a view to identifying emerging trends in these areas and facilitating the Institute’s contributions to expansion of frontiers of knowledge in the profession as well as providing advice to Government on matters of economic development. Research As part of our effort to expand the frontiers of knowledge in accounting and economic development, the Institute established a Research Fund to finance research by members and the general public in Accounting and related fields as well as subjects of economic development.


As part of our effort to expand the frontiers of knowledge in accounting and economic development, the Institute established a Research Fund to finance research by members and the general public in Accounting and related fields as well as subjects of economic development.

ZiCA Comments on the Zambia Institute of Banking and Financial Services Bill of 2022

View the Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure for the Financial Year 2023 by clicking on the adjacent link.

Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure for the Financial Year 2023

View the Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure for the Financial Year 2023 by clicking on the adjacent link.

ZiCA Comments on the National Pension Scheme Amendment Bill of 2022

View the ZICA Comments on the National Pension Scheme Amendment Bill of 2022 by clicking on the adjacent link.

ZiCA Comments on the Zambia Development Agency Bill No.19 of 2022

View the ZICA Comments on the Zambia Development Agency Bill No.19 of 2022 by clicking on the adjacent link.

ZiCA Comments on the Zambia Institute of Secretaries Bill No.18 of 2022

View the ZICA Comments on the Zambia Institute of Secretaries Bill No.18 of 2022 by clicking on the adjacent link.

ZICA Submission for the 2023 National Budget

View the ZICA Submission for the 2023 National Budget by clicking on the adjacent link.

ZICA Comments on the Bank of Zambia Bill No.5 of 2022

View the ZICA Comments on the Bank of Zambia Bill No.5 of 2022 by clicking on the adjacent link.

ZICA Comments on Review of Operations of ZCCM-IH and ZAMTEL

View the ZICA Comments on the Review of Operations of ZCCM-IH and ZAMTEL by clicking on the adjacent link.

ZICA Comments on the 2019 Sales Tax Amendment Bills- 14th May 2019

View the ZICA Comments on the 2019 Sales Tax Amendment Bills by clicking on the adjacent link.

ZICA Comments on Trade Deficit and High Debt Stock

View the ZICA Comments on Trade Deficit and High Debt Stock by clicking on the adjacent link.

Comments on the Constitution of Zambia (Amendment) Bill, 2019

View the ZICA Comments on the Constitution of Zambia (Amendment) Bill, 2019 by clicking on the adjacent link.

Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure for the Financial Year 2020

View the ZICA Comments on the Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure for the Financial Year 2020 by clicking on the adjacent link.

ZICA Comments on the Accountants (Amendment) Bill 2021

View the Accountants (Amendment) Bill 2021 by clicking on the adjacent link.

ZICA Comments on The Insurance Bill 2021

View the ZICA Comments on the Insurance Bill 2021 by clicking on the adjacent link.

ZICA Comments on the ZRA Amendment Bill 2021

View the ZICA Comments on the ZRA Amendment Bill 2021 by clicking on the adjacent link.

ZICA Comments on the Mining tax regime

View the ZICA Comments on the Mining tax regime by clicking on the adjacent link.

ZICA Comments on the 2024 Mid-Year Budget Performance

View the ZICA Comments on the 2024 Mid-Year Budget Performance by clicking on the adjacent link.