Accountants Park
Plot No. 2374/a
Thabo Mbeki Road, Lusaka
(+260) 211 374 551-9

Support Your ZICA Student

Support You ZICA Students on their way to becoming professional Chartered  Accountants by providing them with relevant information and resources that they need to pass their Exams. This is very important to do because these are the future financial professionals for your organisation. This section will help you with the information you need to achieve this goal.


There is a wider ranger of Learning materials online that can support your students and help them pass their exams. We also have a Library that has so many resource that students needs to reach their highest professional level. It is strongly advised that students visit the Library and always check for online resources for them to keep up to date with their studies.



There is a number of payments and subscription fees that required for students. There are registration fees for Entry level, there are subscription fees, there are charges and fees for exams, for exemptions etc. You need to support your students fully in this regard by ensuring that all payments and subscriptions are paid off.



Help and support your students by ensuring they know the all their Exam schedules and their respective enrollment dates. Students get access to these schedules online.


Practical Experience

Practical Experience is a very vital part of the Chartered Accounting Wordwide (CAW) and ZICA qualifications. It provide frameworks that support sustainable improvements in workplace performance and create more motivated and valuable employees.

As an employer of ZICA Students, you play a vital role in ensuring students gain appropriate work experience and in supporting the relationship between students and their workplace mentors. Practical Experience will also benefit the students because with the experience they get, they can become a member based on the experience they get and the exam levels they reach.

Becoming a Member

Reaching membership is the goal of all ZICA Students – and also benefits their employers. As an Employer you have done so much for the future of your students. Help them take the next step to ZICA membership and you will both take the benefits for it.

1. Associate/Fellowship Grade of Membership

Students can qualify for this Grade of Membership by being a fully qualified professional accountant holding qualifications from recognised accounting bodies and also holding a minimum of three years practical experience.

3. Licentiate Grade of Membership

Students who have recognized accountancy degrees with 3 years work experience or those who have completed and passed penultimate examinations of a professional qualification are accorded this grade of membership.

2. Graduate Grade of Membership

A Students is given this when they complete professional level examinations of a professional accountancy qualification. Such individuals are required to attain three years work experience before they can request for a transfer to Associate membership.

4. Technician Grade of Membership

This is accorded to individuals who have completed recognized technician accountancy programs.