Accountants Park
Plot No. 2374/a
Thabo Mbeki Road, Lusaka
(+260) 211 374 551-9

FAQs on Revised Programme

Is it true that ZICA will now start awarding Certificates at the various levels of CA Zambia Qualification?

Yes, ZICA will start awarding exit certifications at the various levels of CA Zambia following accreditation by the Zambia Qualifications Authority (ZAQA) as follows;  

Qualification Level on ZQF Qualification Type/Equivalence
CA Certificate in Accountancy Level 4 Certificate
CA Application Advanced Diploma in Accountancy Level 7 Degree
CA Advisory Professional in Accountancy Level 9 Master’s Degree

Which students are eligible to be awarded the CA Zambia exit certificates?

Students who have passed all 16 papers from December 2017 to June 2021 will be awarded the CA Advisory Professional in Accountancy qualification at the graduation ceremony to be held in 2021.

The CA Certificate in Accountancy and CA Application Advanced Diploma in Accountancy qualifications will only be awarded from the June 2021 examination sitting. This means that students who were remaining with one or more papers to qualify for any of the two qualifications, as stipulated in the above structure of qualifications, and have passed these papers during the June 2021 examinations will be awarded the qualifications. Any students who will subsequently pass their examination sitting as indicated above will be awarded the exit certificates.

When will the certificates be awarded to the CA Zambia students?

The graduation is set for 5th November 2021. because the Institute has to put in place logistics for the graduation to take place; this includes procurement processes for the new certificates and gowns. The ceremony will be virtual due to the Covid-19 prevalence. Transcripts will be availed to all eligible students as soon as the graduate lists are ready.

What type of certificates will be awarded to students who completed the examinations component of CA Zambia in the previous examinations?

Answer: The following are the new names for the exit certifications;

  1. CA Certificate in Accountancy (ZQF Level 4);
  2. CA Application Advanced Diploma in Accountancy (ZQF Level 7); and
  3. CA Advisory Professional in Accountancy (ZQF Level 9).

Will the Diploma in Accountancy have a certification as well?

The Diploma in Accountancy is currently being certified after completing both levels (Level 1 and 2) and it is not affected by the new certifications because it is a standalone qualification.

How many courses make up each of the above new qualifications and what is the duration of each qualification?

The CA Certificate in Accountancy is a two (2) year programme comprising six (6) courses, 3 courses per year. The CA Application Advanced Diploma in Accountancy is a four (4) year programme comprising twelve (12) courses, 3 courses per year, whereas the CA Advisory Professional in Accountancy comprises four (4) courses and will take a minimum of one (1) year to complete. The duration for these certificates is in line with international requirements.  The programme structure of the qualification is as follows: Outline and Structure

Certificate in Accountancy CA Application Advanced Diploma in Accountancy CA Advisory Professional in Accountancy

1.1 Financial Accounting

1.2 Business Mathematics

1.3 Business Economics

1.4 Commercial and Corporate Law

1.5 Management Theory & Practice

1.6 Business Communication

2.1 Financial Reporting

2.2 Management Accounting

2.3 Audit

2.4 Taxation

2.5 Financial Management

3.3 Strategic Business Analysis

3.1 Advanced Financial Reporting 3.2 Advanced Audit & Assurance Choose any one of the following routes:   Public Practice Route 3.4 Advanced Taxation 3.7 Public Sector Audits and Assurance   Business Route 3.5 Advanced Management Accounting 3.6 Advanced Financial Management   Public Sector Route 3.7 Public Sector Audits and Assurance 3.8 Public Sector Financial Management
Practical Training 3 years’ supervised practical training  

Is it possible for the Institute to change the new exit certificate names to align them to other Professional Accounting qualifications?

The names of the qualifications have been approved and accredited by ZAQA. ZICA may make changes to the name during the curriculum review process.

Will students need to clear CA 3.3 before graduating at CA Application Advanced Diploma in Accountancy?

Students will now need to pass CA 3.3 before graduating at CA Application Advanced Diploma in Accountancy

Will ZICA embark on a vigorous mission of educating and sensitizing companies?

Yes, the Institute has already started engaging employers, Government and Human Resource practitioners to explain the new exit certifications through virtual town hall meetings.

How does the old ZICA Accountancy qualification and Licentiate fit into the new CA Zambia qualification?

You will be awarded the certificates which you would have completed under the CA Zambia programme. For example, if you converted from Licentiate level to Application level, then you would be eligible for the award of the CA Application Advanced Diploma in Accountancy upon completion of the Application level Plus 3.3 Strategic Business Analysis from June 2021 onwards, and CA Advisory Professional in Accountancy upon completion of the Advisory level.

Does it mean that one with CA Advisory Professional in Accountancy would eventually become a ZICA Fellow member?

Yes, once the examination component is completed, one can apply to be a graduate member. After practical training and getting the CA Zambia designation, one applies for upgrade to Associate membership. After 5 years of being an Associate, the system automatically upgrades such a member to Fellow membership.

With the coming of the new exit qualifications, have the membership names of Technician, Licentiate and professional been aligned with the new names?

Membership categories are aligned with the new exit qualifications and are not in any way affected by the changes. The membership categories after completing each new exit certification is as follows:

Qualification Level on ZQF Membership Category after completion of the qualification
CA Certificate in Accountancy Level 4 Technician
CA Application Advanced Diploma in Accountancy Level 7 Licentiate
CA Advisory Professional in Accountancy Level 9 Graduate
CA Advisory plus 3 years’ Practical Training   Associate

Will the CA Advisory Professional in Accountancy certificate be given to those who completed CA Zambia and when done with practical training will one be permitted to use the CA Zambia designation?

Yes, the CA Advisory Professional in Accountancy certificate will be given to all who completed the examination component and the CA Zambia designation will only be awarded after completion of 3 years’ Practical Training.

How do we know whether our employers are approved employers?

The list of approved employers is updated and posted on the ZICA website. If your employer or any employer you are looking for is not on the list, then they are not yet approved. They can however apply for accreditation as approved employers.

Where can one find a mentor? How can I go about embarking on my practical training?

You can find a mentor from any ZICA approved employers. Some of the approved employers also take on students who are not their employees. Please click here to access the Approved employer list: . To embark on practical training, see below the 3 versions of Practical Training; Version 1 – Approved employer 

  • Find a job placement if not employed and sign employment contract.
  • Apply for exemptions from mandatory 3 years if you meet exemption policy
  • Select at least 2 of the 9 Technical Competency areas
  • Find a mentor to supervise you in your selected Technical areas
  • Sign a training contract with your employers and Mentorship agreement with your Mentor
  • Develop a training plan in conjunction with the Mentor.
  • Document the plan
  • Record the demonstrated work experience onto the Competence Review Form (CRF) every quarter
  • Ensure the CRF (record of experience) (CFR) is signed off quarterly and submitted to ZiCA every quarter
  • Complete and submit the Yearly/Half-Yearly Assessment form to ZiCA every year or six months respectively
  • Update the Practical training logbook every year end
  Version 1 – Alternative
  • Where organisation cannot provide a mentor, a mentor may be seconded from outside the organisation.
  • Develop and document the training plan in conjunction with the Mentor.
  • Record the demonstrated work experience onto the Competence Review Form (CRF) every quarter
  • Ensure the CRF (record of experience) (CFR) is signed off quarterly and submitted to ZiCA every quarter
  • Complete and submit the Yearly/Half-Yearly Assessment form to ZiCA every year or six months respectively
  • Update the Practical training logbook every year end
  Version 2 This version of the practical training policy is applicable to a student who is currently working and is eligible to commence practical training but the student’s employer has not yet signed up the MoU and the organization has professionally qualified Accountant (s) who are qualified to mentor the student.  The requirements of version 2 are as follows:
  1. The student should identify a mentor (from the available qualified accountants internally) who must be an Associate or Fellow member of ZICA in good standing with the Institute.
  2. The Trainee and the Mentor must sign a Mentorship Agreement prescribed by ZICA.
  3. The trainee should then keep a record of work undertaken under each competency area which will be validated by the Mentor after the serving the practical training period depending on the exemptions given (if any).
  4. At the end of the practical training period, the Mentor must sign off the Practical Training Experience Log Book for the Trainee to confirm achievement of the competencies.
  5. A trainee accountant whose Practical Experience Log book has been signed off and meets the ZICA expectations will then be required to sit for a Practical Experience Competence Examination to confirm the competency.
  6. The exemptions in the current policy shall apply to Version 2 of the Practical Training too.
  Version 3 This version of the practical training policy is applicable to a student who is currently working and is eligible to commence practical training but the employer cannot qualify to be an approved employer because it has no professionally qualified accountants or the student is the highest person in the Accounts department or the organization as the case maybe for students who are owners or CEOs of firms. The requirements of version 3 are as follows:  
  1. The trainee should keep a record of work undertaken under each competency area which will be attested by the supervisor or other external assurance persons (CEO of the organization if applicable or other authorities such as external or internal auditors for students who maybe CEO or owners of firms) after serving the relevant practical training period depending on the exemptions given (if any).
  2. At the end of the practical training period, the supervisor or other external assurance persons (CEO or other authorities such as external or internal auditors for students who maybe CEO or owners of firms) must attest achievement of the competencies.
  3. A trainee accountant whose Practical Experience has been attested under (ii) above will then be required to sit for a Practical Experience Competence Examination to confirm the competency.
  4. The exemptions in the current policy shall apply to Version 3 of the Practical Training too.
  Using version 3 of the practical training, Commencement will only be recorded once a formal letter addressed to the Director Education & Training is received, indicating the name of the supervisor who will be attesting the competencies for ZICA’s  record and also which Technical competence areas the trainee will specialise in.
  • Record the demonstrated work experience onto the Competence Review Form (CRF)
  • At end of the practical Training period, the Supervisor must attest achievement of competencies  ( a half yearly submission will be appreciated so that we check your progress).
  • Once the competencies have been attested and submitted to ZiCA , you will be ready to sit for a Practical Training Competence Examination.

How far have you gone on the MOU with GRZ on practical training?

ZICA is continuously engaging the Accountant General’s office to sign the MOU.